Name of Authorized Sub-Processor Description of processing Country in which sub-processing will take place
Amazon Web Services Primary cloud hosting platform. Includes database where customer data is held, servers where data is processed, and networking infrastructure where data is passed around. United States
Auth0 Includes email addresses of our users and their passwords to login. United States
Datadog Stores log information for observability. United States
Google Google drive where some customers share data with us via sheets or docs. Google workspace which we interact with to send and receive emails. United States
Temporal Cloud Cloud hosting service where we process customer data in various ways, including email content to be sent, salesforce record ids, email addresses to be contacted, and more. United States
StreamNative Cloud Cloud hosting messaging service, used to pass customer data between services. United States
Elastic Cloud indexed search service, used to store and search over various customer data. United States
OpenAI Used to process various pieces of customer data including but not limited to data cleansing and email copy generation. United States
Vercel Used to host our frontend. Stores some logs of customer interactions with our site. United States
Mailgun Used to send emails on behalf of our customers when using the managed deliverability product. United States

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